Juvenile Defense
If you or your child has been accused of a crime, it's vital to contact an experienced defense attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights and advise you on the best course of action going forward.
According to Colorado Revised Statutes if your child commits a crime off school grounds that can be considered "detrimental" to the welfare or safety of another person, your child can be expelled, suspended or denied admissions from the school they are attending. IIf your child has beeen accuse dof a crime, it is important that you know your rights before your child communicates with anyone, especially school resource officers or school staff. The school district may decide to expel your child, but according to disciplinary laws it should be the last option and a hearing must be held. After the hearing, there is a 5 day window to request a statement in writing as to the reasons for expulsion and a subsequent 10 days to file a petition requesting that the order of the board of education be set aside. Schools in Colorado tend to be more heavy handed than they should, but if you know your rights and are armed with an attorney you have more power over the outcome of an expulsion or criminal case.
Your child is your heart and soul, I know, I have four children myself and when your child is charged or accused of a crime it can be crippling, financially and emotionally. Call my office and we can work together to provide your child the best defense.